Searching for "biggest jerk ever"

1 Results For 'biggest jerk ever'


July 27, 2011 @ (Hell)

Tags: Biggest Jerk Ever

My ex and I were in a long-distance relationship. We had been dating for 2.5 yrs. I had left a job in South America for him to move to the states. After two years in California and many dead-end jobs, I needed to relocate to the East Coast to find work and provide a stable living for us. We agreed that he would meet me a few weeks later. After six months of waiting for him to get his act together he announced that he wanted to move to Central America with or without me. We argued for what seemed like forever. One night we got into a horrible fight, and did not speak the rest of the week. When I tried contacting him to see what was happening, I found out that he had moved to another country. He never contacted me again or answered my e-mails.